Free to use tagged classnames, powered by clsx and tailwind-merge.
import { cls, tw } from 'tagged-classnames-free'const className = tw`mx-auto max-w-4xl`const className = cls`w-24 h-24 md:w-48 md:h-auto md:rounded-none rounded-full mx-autoobject-cover`const className = tw`text-lg ${moreClassName}`
// .vscode/settings.json{'tailwindCSS.experimental.classRegex': [['tw`((?:\\S|\\s)*?)`', "'([^']+)'"],'tw`((\\S|\\s)*?)`',['cls`((?:\\S|\\s)*?)`', "'([^']+)'"],'cls`((\\S|\\s)*?)`',],}
Based on clsx, support inline comment. Free to use clsx supported expressions.
Based on cls, support inline comment. Merge Tailwind CSS classes without style conflicts by tailwind-merge.
Wrap/unwrap tagged classnames by functions or html tags at sometime is unavoidable, you must NOT want to indent/dedent manually.
Luckily, eslint-plugin-unicorn has a template-indent rule for us to auto indent/dedent.
You might also worried about the package increase extra burdens to runtime performance? Don't worry. there is a plugin unplugin-polish-tagged-templates to optimize for you.
After enhanced by unplugin-polish-tagged-templates, feel free to use cls
and tw
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